Zaragoza Calatayud

Travelling between the two, Zaragoza Calatayud, is easy and cheap with the option of high speed trains for those preferring to travel in a little luxury!

Calatayud offers an interesting way to break up the trip between Zaragoza and Madrid as well as having its own attractions such as the fortified Stone church that overlooks the town perched on high on a sheer cliff. Calatayud also offers an ideal point from which to explore the nearby Monestario de piedra (The stone Monastery) and its spectacular grounds.

Trains Zaragoza to Calatayud TRAINS:
There are 11 high speed Ave trains that travel between Zaragoza and Calatayud daily, each journey typically lasting around 25 minutes. A one-way ticket costs 16,70E, while a return ticket coming in at about 27E.

There are a few regional trains that take almost double the time for those that are wanting to save some extra money.

More on Zaragoza trains

Bus Zaragoza Calatayud BUSES & ROAD:
7 buses operated by Aragon Tours depart in each direction daily, 3 of them running only Monday to Friday. In addition any of the many daily ALSA bus services on the Zaragoza Madrid route also call in at Calatayud.

If driving then the journey should come in just under the hour mark. One can simply take the motorway A-2/E-90 West, towards Madrid, all the way to exit 237 signposted "Catalayud" which takes you direct to the town centre.

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