Segovia Bus
Both the urban and intercity Segovia bus stations are located in the same building at the:
- Address: Estación de autobuses. Paseo de Ezequiel González, 20 - Segovia
- Telephone: (+34) 921 427 706
Segovia city buses
Buses within Segovia run frequently between the hours of 0600 and 2400 with a night bus service in the interveening hours. Costs are eminently reasonable at 1€ per journey no matter how many stops one pases.
In order to plan ones route and to identify the service number check out the map of routes available: here
Inter city routes
The four principal coach routes from Segovia connect the city with:
- Avila
- Madrid
- Salamanca
- and Valladolid
and in typical Spanish fashion almost all are operated by a different bus company!
Segovia Avila
4 times daily bus service each way taking just short of an hour and costing just 5€ in each direction. Coach operator: Avanzabus
Segovia Madrid
Frequent coach services to Madrid operate every 15-30 minutes between 0600 and 2130 and at peak times take a maximum of 1hr 20min to complete the trip. Fares are reasonable at just short of €7 one way and €12.45 return. Bus operator: La Sepulvedana
Segovia Salamanca
This service operates twice daily as an extension of the Avila route taking a total of 2hrs 40 minutes to conect these important cities in Castilla y Leon. Fares are as low as 11€ in each direction. Bus operator: Avanzabus
Segovia Valladolid
As one can imagine the connections between the provincial capital Segovia and Regional capital Valladolid are frequent with 11 buses in each direction every day. Earliest departure from Segovia coach station is at 0645 and the last at 2100. This service is offered by Siguero who are a small Segovia based coach company.
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