Zaragoza Bus

The Zaragoza bus network is the principle means of transport by which any visitor to the city will move around, especially so as there is no metro in Zaragoza!
Thankfully, with Zaragoza being a regional capital, the city doesn't suffer from the slow traffic that larger cities do and in 20 minutes (depending on your route) you can cross the whole city!
Zaragoza bus routes
There are basically four types of buses operating in Zaragoza
- Daytime routes
- Daytime circular routes - focused on the city center
- Nightime routes - known as bujos "nightowls"
- Zaragoza tourist buses - The typical open top affair
All of the bus services are managed by the TUZSA group and although their website is packed full of great information... its all in Spanish! Hence the need for a brief guide to Zaragoza buses!
Daytime routes
Daytime buses in Zaragoza are identified by a two digit number; ie 31 or 59. The two exceptions to this are the routes 128 and 141. All services operate between 0500 and 0100 and cover the city itself and its outlying suburbs and neighbouring villages. Maps, timings and routes can be selected from the "drop down" menu on this page of the TUZSA website only in Spanish...
Circular routes
These operate in exactly the same way as the daytime services (information on timings and route map is available at the same link
) with the only difference being their identity number which is a letter number combination which always starts with "C" eg C1 or Ci1.
Nightime routes
Night buses in Zaragoza operate between 0100 and 0500 and have the distinct advantage of being completely free! The visitor can easily identify one of Zaragozas night buses by the prefix "N" accompanied by a number eg N3. Routes and timetables in Spanish are here...
Zaragoza tourist bus
These popular open top buses run to a set timetable in two seasions in the morning and afternoon. The precise timetable can be found
in Spanish by selecting
- "Bus Touristico" - Tour bus
- "Horarios" - timetable
Timings vary depending on the season so its best to check close to your visit to Zaragoza.
Pricing for the Zaragoza bus network is eminently reasonable at
- Daytime and Circular - €0,95 for a single
- Nightime N services - Free
- Tourist bus - €7 with under 5's being Free
All tickets can be purchased onboard the buses themselves... just be sure to have change or at the most a 5€ note with you!
Note: Buses only sell single fares. There are "travelcards" available for regular users but as these include a non refundable deposit they're not suitable for tourists.
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